WeWork, Wont, Worked, What?

As WeWork try to renegotiate nearly all its leases, the comment “many landlords are expected to listen” seems somewhat trite as will many landlords really have an option? “It’s better to engage smartly with WeWork and see what’s available than not talking at all,” said Isaac Marcushamer, an attorney at Miami-based law firm DGIM. (well, he would say that wouldn’t he?)

Should they decide not to listen, however, heaven forbid they respond, “We Won’t” as WeWork has, allegedly, just sent a cease-and-desist letter to rival Codi in response to the startup’s recent marketing campaign it dubs “WeWont”

WeWork still has wide name recognition from its fast growth, post founding in 2010. It later had to scrap its first attempt at an initial public offering before ousting its co-founder and CEO, Adam Neumann, and embarking on cost cuts. That turnabout was so dramatic it was the topic of an AppleTV mini-series, “WeCrashed

Work, Wont, Crashed or Whatever, the lasting impression of a WeWork facility is that of a sixth form common room, with much more talking than working seeming to be about.  Staff poaching has been cited as an issue by tenant’s as breakout space serves as a dealing pit.  Maybe it is in a tenant’s interest for landlords not to listen, WW to walk away from their lease and the end tenant gain the option to move elsewhere