Wonderful Spam!

Okay – granted you need to be of a certain age to remember the above scene from Monty Python but suffice to say it wasn’t really a promotion for said product

Why oh why, therefore, do we keep getting bombarded with it?  And the quality of it so shockingly bad!  The latest to land in the in-box here at HM was from Oli at “digital marketing experts” Add People.  Oli suggests we may want to meet so could we email him back, with a thumbs up, and Frankie will be on the blower to arrange a time.,

Okay – so here’s what I am thinking.  Being a “digital marketing expert”, Oli, you must think blanket, unsolicited email (Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam) a good idea, or why would you use it yourselves 🤔. That being the case we don’t really need to see you we can just follow in your footsteps.  Right let me fire up my address book and get emailing.

Final point – not going anywhere near that hyperlink at the bottom of your missive.